
Exploring the Pros and Cons of Water Softeners

Exploring the Pros and Cons of Water Softeners
Exploring the Pros and Cons of Water Softeners

Water Softeners: What They Are and Why to Consider Using One

If you live in an area with hard water—which happens to be 85% of the United States, you know the struggle. The buildup of minerals like calcium and magnesium can wreak havoc on your plumbing, appliances, and personal hygiene routines. 


Fortunately, water softeners can fix these problems. They reduce or remove minerals from your drinking source. As a side benefit, these amazing devices can also save you money in the long run since they reduce the need for constantly changing water filters.


Keep reading to learn more about softeners and why you may need one.

Understanding Hard Water and Water Softeners

Hard water contains high levels of dissolved minerals. These minerals can cause a variety of problems, from leaving unsightly white residue on your faucets and shortening the lifespan of equipment like water filters. But wait, how long does water filter last? 6 to 12 months. However, with mineral buildup, you may need to replace it earlier.


Enter the softener systems. This handy device works by removing the troublesome minerals from your drinking supply, leaving you with softer, more manageable H2O. Water softening systems use a process called ion exchange to accomplish this. The softener tank contains resin beads that are positively charged with sodium ions. The resin beads attract the minerals and exchange them for sodium ions, effectively removing the hardness.

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Once the resin beads become saturated with minerals, a salt solution is used to recharge the resin and flush out the unwanted minerals.

Benefits of Using Water Softeners

Softener systems offer several advantages, including:


  1. Scale Prevention: Softeners prevent the buildup of scale caused by minerals. This helps to keep your plumbing system, fixtures, and appliances free from mineral deposits, extending their lifespan.


  1. Extended Lifespan of Appliances: If you're a proud owner of a refrigerator with a dispenser, you may be asking, 'How long does a water filter last?'. If you buy from a reliable store like Filterway, they last at least 12 months, but mineral buildup can shorten this. However, softener devices can prolong the lifespan of appliances like these, including coffee makers, humidifiers, and ice machines by minimizing mineral buildup.


  1. Cleaner Surfaces: It reduces soap scum and mineral stains, making it easy to keep surfaces cleaner and easier to maintain.


  1. Softened Hair and Skin: You may already know the role of water in human body. It also helps to maintain the natural moisture balance of your skin and hair.


  1. Improved Soap and Detergent Performance: These systems allow soaps and detergents to lather more easily and effectively. This means you can achieve better cleaning results with less, leading to potential cost savings.


  1. Cost Savings: Softeners lower maintenance costs. For example, the frequency of filter servicing will reduce once all the mineral buildup has been addressed. It will also decrease soap and detergent usage.

Drawbacks of Water Softeners

It's not enough to look at benefits, it's important to consider their cons also. Here are the main ones:


  • Cost: The price of buying a softener system varies based on size, type, and brand. You may also need a professional for the water softener installation process, adding to the expense. Ongoing maintenance, including purchasing and replenishing regenerants, will also add to the cost.


  • Sodium Content: The sodium content in softened water typically increases because calcium and magnesium are replaced with sodium ions. This can be an issue if you are on sodium-restricted diets, maybe because of high blood pressure or kidney condition.


  • Environmental Impact: The environmental implications of water softeners is another downside. The regeneration process flushes the system with a brine solution, which can harm aquatic life and vegetation when it reaches lakes and rivers.


  • Wastage: The regeneration cycle involves backwashing, rinsing, and flushing out accumulated minerals. This means that you may end up wasting a lot of valuable liquid for little result.


  • Impact on Taste: Softeners may give a different taste due to the removal of certain minerals. Some individuals may find the taste unappealing. While combining a softener system with a home water filtering system can improve taste, knowing how to change a water filter cartridge is important for consistent performance.

Factors to Consider

Considering installing a softener system? Here are some important factors you should keep in mind:


  1. Budget: Evaluate your budget. Think about the initial costs, ongoing expenses like purchasing salt or regenerants, and potential maintenance or repair costs.


  1. Personal Preferences: Many people enjoy the taste and texture of hard water, while others do not. Think about what you prefer to help you decide if a softener matches your desired quality.


  1. Hardness Level: Get an expert to check your water hardness to help you decide if a softener is necessary.


  1. Local Regulations: Some areas have water softener regulations and guidelines due to environmental concerns or conservation efforts. Make sure you comply with any necessary regulations or permits.


  1. Expert Advice: Consider consulting with a professional before getting started. Plus, if you have specific health concerns, talk to your doctor. Their expertise will help you make informed decisions.

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Remember that combining your softener with a filtration system will yield better results. The key is knowing when to change water filter cartridge.

Alternative Solutions for Hard Water

Apart from softeners, there are other water hardness treatment options. Here are a few examples:

Electronic Conditioners

These devices use electromagnetic fields to alter the structure of minerals, reducing their ability to cause scale buildup.


  • No salt or chemicals are needed
  • Easy installation
  • Zero water filter maintenance


  • Effectiveness depends on water hardness and quality
  • Does not completely remove minerals


Polyphosphate Systems

These are PHO filters that reduce silt, sand, dust, rust, and sediment. This system also prevents corrosion and scale. How often should you change water filter cartridge in a polyphosphate system? A PHO filter is usually good for at least 6 months or 100,000 gallons.


  • No salt or chemicals needed
  • Can protect against scale buildup


  • It doesn't remove all minerals

Reverse Osmosis

Reverse osmosis systems use a membrane to filter out minerals and impurities, producing clean permeate.



  • Higher upfront and maintenance costs
  • Can be quite wasteful
  • It may require professional installation.


If you're not sure which is a better alternative for your needs, consult with experts so that you can get valuable insights and recommendations. This individual may also be able to advise you on how often to change the water filter in house, in case you also have another filtration system.


While the importance of water filters cannot be overlooked, if you live in an area where hard water is a problem, softeners may just be the solution you need. These nifty devices improve the quality of your H2O, among a myriad of other benefits. However, do a water softener cost analysis, and check potential health effects, and environmental impact before installation. Also, consult professionals to ensure this is the right decision for your situation. 


Remember, there are other water softening alternatives. You can buy water filters and combine them with a softener to further enhance your water quality. Luckily, these days, getting clean water filter cartridge replacements for your system is just a mouse click away.


Now, you can say hello to a more efficient and enjoyable H2O.