
Importance of Clean Water for Hair and Skin Health

Importance of Clean Water for Hair and Skin Health
Importance of Clean Water for Hair and Skin Health

We often overlook the impact of water quality on our appearance. But, it plays a significant role in enhancing our hair and skin health. To illustrate this point, the National Library of Medicine conducted a study that linked hard water with increased eczema. The results highlighted that impure water contributes to increased skin health issues. 

To gain a broader understanding of the significance of clean water on hair and skin health, continue reading. We will explore the transformative changes in the hair and skin before and after drinking water that is filtered.

Effects of Purified Drinking Water on the Skin

Ever notice your skin feeling dull and dry when you're dehydrated? That’s because adequate hydration naturally makes you healthier. But, how much water to drink for clear skin? Experts recommend around thirteen cups a day for adults. However, it's not just about quantity – quality matters too.

Your skin cells need clean water to function properly. Proper hydration also helps regulate sebum production. This prevents the skin from tipping into extremes of oiliness or dryness and is instrumental in preserving a healthy skin texture and warding off issues like acne or flakiness.

But the benefits extend beyond the surface. When your body lacks enough fluids, blood flow slows down, depriving your skin of vital nutrients and oxygen. The result? Dull and lackluster skin. Hydration promotes increased blood flow, giving your skin a radiant and healthy glow.

Insufficient hydration can also lead to waste and toxins accumulating, causing itching. It can disrupt the balance of minerals like phosphorus, leading to dry and irritated skin. When you drink clean water, it enhances organ function. It helps flush waste and toxins through urine for fresher and more vibrant skin. The drinking water glowing skin connection highlights the importance of proper hydration.

Importance of Quality Water for Skin Hydration

Poor water sources contain harmful substances such as heavy metals, chlorine, lead, and mercury. These chemicals lead to skin problems like dryness and irritation.

The good news is that a filtration system with RO membranes can effectively remove these impurities. They minimize your exposure to these chemicals when ba from tap or untreated sources. This isn't just about drinking—opting for purified water minimizes your exposure to substances that can affect your skin during activities like bathing and washing, reducing the risk of skin conditions such as eczema or dermatitis. It's a game-changer for water quality at home. Even a simple water filter for washing face is a gentler and safer way to cleanse and hydrate your skin.

Purified Drinking Water for Hair Growth

Does drinking water help hair growth? Yes, it does.

Maintaining healthy hair goes beyond basic care. It requires enough moisture, similar to your skin's needs. In fact, moisture accounts for about 25% of a hair strand's weight, highlighting its significance in sustaining hair vitality.

When your hair is not properly hydrated, it can lead to various issues. Your scalp may become dry and irritated. This will make it brittle and susceptible to breakage. To avoid this, you have to keep your hair follicles moisturized, creating a healthier scalp environment that promotes hair growth.

Benefits of Washing Hair With Filtered Soft Water

Washing your hair with filtered soft water can have transformative advantages on your hair that go beyond just cleanliness. Here are some of the benefits.

  • Reduced Scalp Irritation. Eliminates the mineral deposits associated with hard water, reducing dryness and discomfort. Your scalp becomes cleaner and less prone to irritation.
  • Extended Color Vibrancy. Washing your colored hair using filtered water preserves color vibrancy longer. Hard water can fade color by depositing minerals, but soft alternatives prevent this buildup, keeping your hair color vibrant.
  • Enhanced Lathering of Shampoos. Improve shampoo lathering by preventing mineral reactions that reduce effectiveness. This ensures better cleaning and optimal distribution of hair care products.
  • Prevention of Dryness and Frizz. Retains the natural oils in your hair and prevents dryness and frizz. This promotes a lustrous, well-moisturized appearance.
  • Prevention of Buildup. Prevents mineral buildup on your scalp, avoiding issues like heaviness, dullness, and scalp problems.
  • Reduced Breakage. Soft alternatives are less harsh on your hair, reducing the likelihood of breakage compared to hard water. 

Chlorine’s Negative Effects on Hair

Chlorine, used to treat pool and public drinking sources, can also harm your hair. It strips away natural oils, leading to dryness and breakage. Chlorine's oxidizing effects weaken hair proteins, making them sensitive to heat, UV rays, and pollutants. It can even bleach color-treated hair.

But you can prevent these issues by installing a whole house system for healthier hydration, benefiting your skin, hair, and overall well-being.

Considerations for Selecting a Water Filter for Skincare and Hair Health

Investing in a filter system can improve your overall health. But can you tell which one is right for you? Here are some factors to keep in mind:

  • Hardness. Check the hardness level of your local source. If it's hard (high in minerals like calcium and magnesium), consider a softener for hard water or activated carbon filters.
  • Filtration Technology. Research filters that use technologies like activated carbon or reverse osmosis. These models effectively remove impurities, contaminants, and minerals for healthier skin and hair.
  • Micron Rating. Check the filter's micron rating. This shows the size of particles it can remove. Regular sediment filters, for example, have between 5 to 20 microns. Lower micron ratings offer better filtration of smaller particles impacting skin and hair.
  • Flow Rate. Consider the filter's flow rate for a balance between efficient filtration and reasonable flow.
  • Maintenance and Replacement Costs. Assess maintenance needs and replacement costs. Also, factor installation requirements as well as the frequency of replacements and additional maintenance when deciding.
  • Budget. Determine your budget, as various options are available at different price points. The good news is that you can find a filter at Filterway that meets your needs without breaking the bank.
  • Certifications. Look for filters that are certified by the NSF. These types of filters meet the international standard for performance and safety.

By considering these factors, you can choose the best water filter for skincare and hair health.

Investing in Health: The Role of Filters

Is water good for hair and skin health? The answer is self-evident and hopefully, this article has sufficiently demonstrated the importance of clean drinking water for skin glow and rich hair.

As already established, one of the best ways to maintain the health of your skin and hair is by using filter systems. These devices remove impurities, reduce mineral content, and minimize harsh elements like chlorine. This leads to softer, more manageable hair and a healthier complexion. If you cannot afford a whole house filtration system presently, at the very least, consider installing RO faucets or a water filter for face washing in your bathroom and kitchen. 

Doing so is not just about enhancing beauty routines; it's a smart strategy for overall health and well-being.